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  • 🐝 What’s the buzz with Buzzfeed?

🐝 What’s the buzz with Buzzfeed?

Happy Friday!

In Today’s Email:

  • 🐝 What’s the buzz with Buzzfeed?

  • đŸ«¶ Heart Healthy, Heart Happy

  • đŸ˜” Robo Lawyer? [REDACTED]

What’s the buzz with Buzzfeed?

Do you remember Buzzfeed?

They’ve posted some interesting articles over the years.

Here are some of our favorites:

Yes, these are real.

Buzzfeed just announced a plan to use AI to enhance their content.

Based on the headlines above we don’t see how their content could get any better.

CEO Jonah Peretti stated, “In 2023, you’ll see AI inspired content move from an R&D stage to part of our core business, enhancing the quiz experience, informing our brainstorming, and personalizing our content for our audience.”

According to The Wall Street Journal, the company is set to use our favorite AI chatbot, ChatGPT.

The news sent their stock price skyrocketing, ending the day up 119%.

Heart Healthy, Heart Happy

One person dies every 34 seconds in the United States from cardiovascular disease.

James Min, a cardiologist and former prof at Weill Cornell Medical College want’s to create a “heart-attack free” world through the use of AI.

He founded Cleerly, which uses AI to determine the amount and types of plaque found in arteries.

Typical diagnostic tools only look for risk factors, symptoms, and blood flow restriction.

$279 million has already been raised through two rounds of seed funding, and the startup has received two FDA clearances for it’s products.

Cleerly has shown 99% accuracy against three-board certified, level III physcian reader.

The average turnaround time for a test is only 1 hour and 45 minutes.

You can read more about Cleerly here.

Robo Lawyer? [REDACTED]

Remember when we talked about the Robo Lawyer a couple days ago?

If not, go check it out.

Well, we’ve got some bad news. 🙁

State bar officials heard about Browder’s plan, and they weren’t having it.

They began threatening Browder and his company DoNotPay.

Browder mentioned, “One even said a referral to the district attorney’s office and prosecution and prison time would be possible.”


DoNotPay plans to focus on expensive medical bills, unwanted subscriptions and issues with credit reporting agencies.

Maybe one day we’ll see AI in the courtroom, but not today.

That’s it for today! We’ll see you back here bright and early on Monday!