🤖 Now Hiring

PLUS: GPT takes on the Theory of Mind Test

In Today’s Email

  • Now Hiring 👩‍💻

  • GPT takes on the Theory of Mind Test 🧠

  • Github Copilot 👨‍✈️

Now Hiring 👩‍💻

Anthropic is back, this time they’re hiring.

The role is for a “Prompt Engineer and Librarian” and the salary range is $250k - $335k.

What’s the catch?

You don’t even need a fancy computer science degree to get the job.


All you need is “basic programming and QA skills” and you need to “be comfortable writing small Python programs.”

You can check out the opening here.

Brb, we’re gonna go apply.

GPT takes on the Theory of Mind Test 🧠

GPT recently took on the Theory of Mind test.

GPT-3 is the third-generation Generative Pre-trained transformer developed by OpenAI.

It’s been used to power our favorite AI chatbot, ChatGPT.

You’re probably wondering what the hell the Theory of Mind test is.

The test is a “false-belief task” used to test someone’s ability to understand other people’s beliefs about the world.

Why is this test important?

For multiple reasons:

  • Tests the ability to infer the intentions of others

  • Shows how people interpret what’s going on in someone else’s head

  • Can be used to predict behavior

GPT-3 was able to pass the test at a 7-year-old human level.

GPT-3.5 was able to pass the test at a 9-year-old human level.

What do you think GPT-4 will be capable of? 🤔

You can check out the research here.

Github Copilot 👨‍✈️

GitHub Copilot is one of the hottest A.I. tools out.

The tool was developed by GitHub and OpenAI and is used to “write code faster and with less work.”

Copilot was made available in June 2022.

Check out the numbers since then.


GitHub recently rolled out some key technical improvements for Copilot:

  • An upgraded AI Codex model: Better results for code synthesis

  • Better context understanding: Better craft prompts for code suggestions

  • A lightweight client-side model: Improves overall acceptance rates for code suggestions.

You can read more about the improvements here.

Do you think A.I. will enhance programmers or make them obsolete?

That’s it for today! We’ll see you back here tomorrow!