🤖 Meta launches LLaMa

PLUS: Sam's plan for AGI

GM. Let’s start the week off with some AI news!

In Today’s Email:

  • Meta launches LLaMa 🦙

  • Sam’s plan for AGI 🧠

  • China’s ChatGPT crackdown 🚫

Meta launches LLaMa 🦙

It started with OpenAI dropping ChatGPT.

Baidu announced Ernie.

Google launched Bard. (Yikes)

Meta is joining the party with the release of their very own AI chatbot, LLaMa.

LLaMa (Large Language Model Meta AI) is ‘a state-of-the-art foundational large language model designed to help researchers advance their work in the subfield of AI’ according to the official release.

What’s the catch?

The chatbot isn’t exactly a chatbot.

LLaMa is designed to be a research tool, used to solve issues concerning AI language models.

“Smaller, more performant models such as LLaMa enable others in the research community who don’t have access to large amounts of infrastructure to study these models, further democratizing access in this important, fast-changing field.” said Meta.

Fun fact: This is Meta’s third shot at an LLM, the first two, ‘Galactica’ and ‘Blender Bot 3’ were shut down due to incorrect results.

The newest LLM currently isn’t available on any Meta products, however, it should become available to researchers soon.

You can read more about it here.

Sam’s plan for AGI 🧠

Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI just dropped his plan for AGI in a recent blog post.

You’re probably wondering what AGI is.

AGI, also known as artificial general intelligence, is the concept of AI systems being generally smarter than humans.

In the best-case scenario, AGI will benefit humanity through new scientific discoveries and expansion of the global economy.

In the worst-case scenario…

Well, Let’s not talk about it.

The blog post identifies short-term goals, long-term goals, and some core principles to keep in mind.

Here are some principles the team at OpenAI wants:

  1. ‘We want AGI to empower humanity to maximally flourish in the universe. We don’t expect the future to be an unqualified utopia, but we want to maximize the good and minimize the bad, and for AGI to be an amplifier of humanity.’

  2. ‘We want the benefits of, access to, and governance of AGI to be widely and fairly shared.’

  3. ‘We want to successfully navigate massive risks. In confronting these risks, we acknowledge that what seems right in theory often plays out more strangely than expected in practice. We believe we have to continuously learn and adapt by deploying less powerful versions of the technology in order to minimize “one shot to get it right” scenarios.’

In the short term, the team wants to:

  1. Deploy more powerful systems and ‘gain experience with operating them in the real world’.

  2. ‘Create increasingly aligned and steerable models’.

  3. Hope for a global conversation on: ‘how to govern these systems, how to fairly distribute the benefits they generate, and how to fairly share access.’

In the long term, the team hopes to safely transition to a world that benefits from superintelligence.

You can check out the full blog post here.

How do you feel about AGI?

China’s ChatGPT Crackdown 🚫

Internet censorship is nothing new in China.

Seriously though, check out this list of censorships.

ChatGPT is the newest product to be restricted.

Last Thursday, Beijing began asking companies to restrict access to the AI chatbot.

In particular, Tencent Holding and Alibaba were instructed to restrict users’ access to the chatbot through their platforms.

Chinese stocks that had been on the rise due to the recent AI frenzy closed in the red on Thursday.

This comes as Chinese companies have been ramping up their own AI endeavors:

  • Baidu (China’s Google) is set to release its own AI chatbot in March

  • Alibaba has begun working on a ChatGPT rival, however, the timeline for its launch is unknown

The AI chatbot race is getting spicy.

That’s it for today! See you back here tomorrow!