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  • 🤖 Google’s AI is getting smarter

🤖 Google’s AI is getting smarter

PLUS: How AI is altering business

Happy Monday

In Today’s Email:

  • Google’s AI is getting smarter 🧠

  • How AI is altering business 📈

  • What is Frontier Model Forum? 📄

Google’s AI is getting smarter 🧠

Google robotics are gaining new levels of understanding.


Google’s most advanced AI models are being used to train robots. The large language models give the robots a second brain that unlocks new levels of problem-solving and understanding. Limitations in training have caused hardware robots to improve less quickly than their software-based countertypes.

The company’s latest robotics model coined RT-2, was recently shown off at a private demonstration. The robot was prompted to pick up an “extinct animal”, a moment later the robot picked up a plastic dinosaur sitting on the table. “We’ve had to reconsider our entire research program as a result of this change,” said Vincent Vanhoucke, Google DeepMind’s head of robotics.

Robots have been trained to complete tasks using a specific list of instructions for years. The traditional method is slow and labor-intensive. The advent of large language models completely changes the way robots are trained. The gap between hardware robots and software-based models might be ending soon.

How AI is altering business 📈

Over the past year, the drastic advancements in AI have influenced nearly every industry, business is no exception.

Inc. Magazine

The introduction of chatbots like OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Google’s Bard marked a huge shift in technology. The chatbots and LLMs have illustrated their ability to communicate efficiently and perform a broad range of comprehensive tasks. Companies that have been essential to the AI environment such as Nvidia, Google, and Microsoft have seen their market caps ascend.

It’s likely AI will replace many jobs that are prevalent today. Content creators, customer service specialists, data entry clerks, and millions of others will be disrupted. As some roles become redundant, millions of others will grow in demand. AI auditors, prompt engineers, information security analysts, and many more will replace jobs easily completed by AI.

AI will alter business drastically. Businesses will need to prioritize managing AI risk as AI cyberattacks become more prevalent. The collaboration of AI and robotics, and the fusion between software, mechanical, and electrical engineering will reduce error rates and decrease innovation cycle times. It’s impossible to know what the business landscape will look like in the future, however, we’re sure AI will be making an impact.

What is Frontier Model Forum? 📄

A new industry body was recently formed by the biggest names in AI.


Anthropic, Google, Microsoft, and OpenAI recently came together and launched the Frontier Model Forum. The Forum is “an industry body focused on ensuring safe and responsible development of frontier AI models.” An advisory board from the Forum is soon to be established to help guide strategy and priorities.

According to OpenAI, the core objectives of the Forum are:

  1. Advancing AI safety research to promote responsible development of frontier models, minimize risks, and enable independent, standardized evaluations of capabilities and safety.

  2. Identifying best practices for the responsible development and deployment of frontier models, helping the public understand the nature, capabilities, limitations, and impact of the technology.

  3. Collaborating with policymakers, academics, civil society, and companies to share knowledge about trust and safety risks.

  4. Supporting efforts to develop applications that can help meet society’s greatest challenges, such as climate change mitigation and adaptation, early cancer detection and prevention, and combating cyber threats.

The Forum will focus on three key areas; Identifying best practices, Advancing AI safety research, and Facilitating information sharing among companies and governments. Although government bodies from the US, UK, European Union, OECD, and G7 have been contributing towards AI regulation, advancements from the private sector and equally important. We think this is a step in the right direction.

That’s it for today, see you back here tomorrow!