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  • 🤖 Apple’s new AI?

🤖 Apple’s new AI?

PLUS: Meta sees an opportunity

Happy Thursday!

In Today’s Email:

  • Apple’s new AI? 🍎

  • Meta sees an opportunity đź‘€

  • Musk meets with Schumer đź“„

Apple’s new AI? 🍎

Apple has been relatively silent about AI compared to other tech giants.

We feel like that’s about to change.

According to a recent Bloomberg report, Apple is developing a health coaching service powered by AI, called Quartz. The service will improve users’ eating habits, help them stay motivated to exercise, and increase their sleep quality. The coaching service is expected to have a monthly subscription fee.

The company’s health, Siri, and AI teams are collaborating on the project according to the report. The report also mentioned an update to Apple’s Health app including tools to manage vision conditions and track emotions. Apple reportedly plans on using the mood tracker to train algorithms to understand a user’s mood based on text and speech.

Apple’s upcoming mixed-reality headset is also expected to expand on its updated health efforts, reportedly allowing users to meditate while wearing the device. The device and more AI-powered tech are expected to be revealed at Apple’s WWDC event this year.

Meta sees an opportunity đź‘€

Apple is taking the AI race slower, in contrast, Meta is all in.

Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta, recently told investors the company sees “an opportunity to introduce AI agents to billions of people in ways that will be useful and meaningful.” Although Meta’s profit for Q1 decreased by 24% from the same time last year, Zuck was still hopeful about AI.

“We’re exploring chat experiences in WhatsApp and Messenger, visual creation tools for posts in Facebook and Instagram and ads, and over time video and multi-modal experiences as well,” Zuckerberg said. “I expect that a lot of interest in AI agents for business messaging and customer support will come once we nail that experience. Over time, this will extend to our work on the metaverse, too, where people will much more easily be able to create avatars, objects, worlds, and code to tie all of them together.”

The rebrand of Meta has been a shaky process as billions of dollars have been poured into building the infrastructure to support AI. Zuck is all in, he even said generative AI is “literally going to touch every single one of our products.” He still believes heavily in the metaverse as well, saying the “narrative that has developed that Meta is moving away from the metaverse” is “not accurate.”

What do you think of Meta’s transition into AI?

Musk meets with Schumer đź“„

Elon Musk’s critiques of AI have reached Capitol Hill.

The tech magnate recently tweeted that he’d met with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, and other politicians about AI regulation. The meeting comes days after Schumer launched an effort to “advance and manage one of the fastest moving, and most consequential industries across the globe: artificial intellgence”

Schumer is especially focused on mandating independent experts to test the tech before public release, transparency in AI systems, and requiring disclosure of the people, places and ways involved in the development of the tech.

Musk has been very vocal about the rate of advancement in AI. He even signed an open letter created by the Future of Life Institute which called for a six-month paused on the training of AI systems more powerful than GPT-4.

Do you think the US is doing enough to regulate AI development?

That’s it for today, we’ll see you back here tomorrow!